Vintage Pulp Dec 28 2023
Now dancers, now prancers, now vixens...

Folies de Paris et de Hollywood is one of our favorite vintage magazines, and though we have a tall stack of them, we don't share them nearly as often as we should. Today you're seeing the front and rear cover plus assorted interior bits from issue #506, which appeared in 1972. You get the usual burlesque dancers, prancers, and vixens, along with a centerfold featuring Margaret Nolan not looking quite her normal self (but it's her). See more from Folies de Paris et de Hollywood by clicking its keywords just below. 


Vintage Pulp Mar 23 2021
When Uschi dusts the house, she dusts everything.

It's been a while, so today we have another issue of the iconic French nudie magazine Folies de Paris et de Hollywood. This issue is number 400, published in 1968, and the cover features German actress Uschi Glass, better known as Uschi Glas, with a feather duster. Almost identical but more revealing versions of the shot appeared on a couple of other magazines around the same time. Glas has been in too many movies to name, including in 2020, and we've seen none of them. But we have our eye on 1970's Die Weibchen, about a woman who joins a women's health clinic only to discover that it's run by feminist cannibals. We'll report back on that.

Inside Folies de Paris et de Hollywood there are more than twenty models, many of them Parisian cabaret dancers. The striking Belinda and the striking Marlène Funch are actually both the striking Iso Yban. Why did she pose as different women? No idea, but we recognized her immediately. In fact, we have an amazing and provocative image of her we'll show you a little later, if we dare. We love her name, by the way. It sounds like a flexibility exercise. But our favorite model name from the issue is Manila Wall, which is what MB hit when he realized it was time to get out of the Philippines. We all sometimes hit a Manila Wall in our lives. We'll have more from Folies de Paris et de Hollywood down the line.


Vintage Pulp Aug 19 2017
How do you relax in nature? Folies de Paris et de Hollywood demonstrates.

This edition spéciale issue of Folies de Paris et de Hollywood with an unidentified cover model sitting on a rock of the bay is subtitled Mer et Montagne, which means “sea and mountain.” Inside you get exactly that—the usual suspects posed in the promised idyllic settings, their genitals erased as required by French decency laws of 1960. Ever been to the mountains and not seen a single bush? Now's your chance. Folies produced these special editions fairly often, and we have a few others we'll get around to sharing a bit later. In the meantime we have something like twenty issues scattered around the website, and they're all worth a look. If you want to do that, click here and scroll down.


Vintage Pulp Aug 6 2017
Every night in Paris is a treasure hunt.

This “Paris la nuit” themed issue of Folies de Paris et de Hollywood from 1959 has, in addition to the usual dancers and showgirls, a list on the cover of the clubs at which they worked. We already knew some of the places, like The Crazy Horse Saloon and Pigall's, but there are many more, all with amazing names: Boule Blanche, Drap d'Or, Shako, Grisbi, Shocking, Le Sexy, et al. If we had to choose just based on the name we'd go with Shocking. It can't be too wild in 1959, right? Anyway, the list gave us the idea of digging up photos of these venerable entertainment halls, but you'd be surprised how few historical shots exist. We're going to keep working on that. In the meantime, enjoy the photos below of the artists who occupied those stages. They include Dolly Bell, Kitty Tam-Tam, Nicole Dore, Carole Riva, and more.


Vintage Pulp May 10 2017
It's so nice to have you back where you belong.

Above, assorted scans from Folies de Paris et de Hollywood #331, published in 1965, with an unknown cover star and assorted Parisian showgirls in the interior, including Julie Jourdan. We have quite a few of these in the website, and you can see them by clicking here and scrolling down.


Vintage Pulp Mar 27 2017
Sweet treats in assorted flavors.

Above is a cover of Folies de Paris et de Hollywood, part of a trove we picked up in Paris several years ago. The rear cover is given to a model we've seen before. She calls herself Arabelle and graced the front of Folies #346, and the cover of Cancans de Paris, both from 1966. This issue of Folies, #350 for the long-running publication, is also from 1966, so Arabelle was pretty busy that year. Inside, other beautiful models pose with whipped cream, a lawn mower, and an antique rifle. All genitals have been removed by Folies airbrushers to protect the innocent. But how much do you wanna bet unretouched prints regularly went home with magazine staffers? We have 30+ scans below.


Vintage Pulp Dec 3 2016
The French always know a good thing when they see it.

Today we have assorted scans from an issue of Folies de Paris et de Hollywood published in 1964 with cover star Sally Douglas, a British actress who appeared in numerous films and who's popped up on Pulp Intl. a couple of times before, including, memorably, fronting the French magazine Evocations. Her film roles were often uncredited, and when she was acknowledged it was often in less-than-flattering terms. For example, in Doctor in Love she was “dancer in strip show,” and in Genghis Khan she was simply “concubine.” Probably the most cringeworthy of her credits was in A Study in Terror, in which she was “whore in pub.” It's a hell of a way to make a living, but between movies, television, and modeling she managed to become mildly famous and fondly remembered. Elsewhere in Folies de Paris et de Hollywood you get glamour models and burlesque performers, and they all add up to another visually pleasing slice of naughty nostalgia. We have many more of these in the website. Just click the keywords below and start scrolling.


Vintage Pulp Oct 13 2016
It may be autumn outside, but inside Folies de Paris et de Hollywood it's always summer.

Above, the cover and some scans from Folies de Paris et de Hollywood issue 269, which hit newsstands this month in 1963. Showgirls, showgirls and more showgirls. We still have about a dozen of these and we'll do a more complete job of scanning and uploading the next issue. We're still having scanner difficulties, and still need a copy of Photoshop. In any case, you can see plenty more issues—just click the keywords below and scroll down the page that appears. 


Vintage Pulp Apr 23 2016
King of the hill, top of the heap.

Owned by a publisher calling itself Sapho, Folies de Paris et de Hollywood was one of the pre-eminent pin-up magazines of the mid-century period, running from 1947 to 1975 for a total of nearly 600 issues. It also operated under other names, including Paris-Hollywood, and generated another 150 issues. Appearing this week in 1966, this issue of Folies is number 345 and features the usual assortment of showgirl portraits and write-ups. Often the magazine slipped in a model or two from outside the world of Parisian dance, and in this issue a good chunk of pages are given to British pin-ups Cleo Simmons and Penny Winters. We didn't scan all their photos—sorry. This is a big magazine, dimensionally speaking, and every page must be scanned in two pieces and merged in Photoshop—with the centerfold being scanned in four pieces and reassembled—so sometimes we don't get to all of them. But we strive to improve. Speaking of the centerfold, she's unknown to us, as is the rear cover star. If anyone knows them feel free to drop us a line. Twenty images below, and many more Folies to come.


Vintage Pulp Mar 10 2016
Folies de Paris et de Hollywood kept readers guessing with their models but this one we know.

This issue of Folies de Paris et de Hollywood is from 1963 and its theme is “les peches capiteaux,” or the seven deadly sins. You see them listed at bottom left on the cover, if you ever wanted to learn them in French. While the theme is interesting, we're sharing this cover for one reason—Sophia Loren. Well, we think it's her. Folies never credited its cover models, so we can't be sure. The editors used her image on at least three other covers, and those instances are identifiably Loren because the shots are standard portraits, leaving no doubt. But this one has an oblique angle, which is enough by itself to make positive ID more difficult. And the model is wearing a see-through blouse. For casual fans of Loren that may seem out of character, but it isn't. Her early nude scene in Era lui... sì! sì! is well known today. We've discussed it a couple of times. And of course who can forget her wet-shirt appearance in Boy on a Dolphin. The point is Loren was not shy, so the see-through lingerie here is not a sign the cover model isn't her. We're going to say this is indeed Loren until someone convinces us otherwise. Inside the magazine identities are a bit clearer. You get various Parisian showgirls, as well Vicki Kennedy, aka Margaret Nolan, who we're beginning to think may have been the most photographed glamour model of the 1960s, centerfold Terry Higgins (in a crib, disturbingly), and June Palmer as “la paresse,” or sloth—though not so slothful she wasn't able to pose for three pages of photos, then don a blonde wig and appear on the rear cover too. That's more than we did all last week. Scans below.


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History Rewind
The headlines that mattered yesteryear.
July 27
2003—Hope Dies
Film legend Bob Hope dies of pneumonia two months after celebrating his 100th birthday.
July 26
1945—Churchill Given the Sack
In spite of admiring Winston Churchill as a great wartime leader, Britons elect Clement Attlee the nation's new prime minister in a sweeping victory for the Labour Party over the Conservatives.
1952—Evita Peron Dies
Eva Duarte de Peron, aka Evita, wife of the president of the Argentine Republic, dies from cancer at age 33. Evita had brought the working classes into a position of political power never witnessed before, but was hated by the nation's powerful military class. She is lain to rest in Milan, Italy in a secret grave under a nun's name, but is eventually returned to Argentina for reburial beside her husband in 1974.
July 25
1943—Mussolini Calls It Quits
Italian dictator Benito Mussolini steps down as head of the armed forces and the government. It soon becomes clear that Il Duce did not relinquish power voluntarily, but was forced to resign after former Fascist colleagues turned against him. He is later installed by Germany as leader of the Italian Social Republic in the north of the country, but is killed by partisans in 1945.
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