Vintage Pulp Aug 24 2021
Marilyn Chambers converts the masses.

Zombie movies go back a long way. All the way to 1932's White Zombie. But David Cronenberg's 1977 horror thriller Rabid, along with The Plague of ZombiesNight of the Living Dead and a few other films, was a precursor to all the zombie apocalypse movies and television shows of today. The bizarre Italian promo poster you see above certainly gets across one element of the movie—its grim violence. As you can see, it was retitled Rabid sete di sangue when it played there. It originally premiered in the U.S. in 1977, but didn't reach Italy until today in 1979.

The concept is weird: a woman played by Marilyn Chambers receives an experimental skin graft and as a side effect develops a stinger in her armpit and an insatiable (see what we just did there?) appetite for human blood. When we later glimpse this stinger, it's ensconced in an anus-like cavity of a type that filmgoers would see again and again in Cronenberg's movies. Yeah, that stinger is freaky, and this flick hits on other levels of horror. There's dread, such as when doctors make ready to slice skin off Chambers' thighs with some sort of electric peeler. There's revulsion, which Cronenberg specializes in with his lingering takes on physical deformities. And there's pure terror when infected victims run amok.

Chambers is pretty good in this, with her acting holding up as well as that of the other performers. She also looks quite beautiful, a requirement for the role, since she's essentially a vampiress, using her looks to attract prey. Of special note is a snippet of her classic disco song, “Benihana,” which has aged well for dance music from that period. We should also mention that though this is a pure horror film, the plot also has a disease vs. vaccine element, perfect for the COVID era. We've written superficially about Rabid a few times in the past, and if you're interested you can see those mentions here, here, and here.


Sex Files Aug 7 2020
It's nice and warm inside.

This is obviously Marilyn Chambers fronting a poster for her x-rated extravaganza Behind the Green Door, which opened in the U.S. this month in 1972. We shared a Japanese poster for this a long while ago, as well as a another Japanese promo advertising this as a double bill with The Resurrection of Eve. Today we figured we might as well show you the original American promo too.
Why do we coming back to Chambers? Probably her connection to horror films via the David Cronenberg classic Rabid has something to do with it. Not many actors have straddled porn and maintream cinema. Chambers is top of the heap on that score. And she died young at age fifty-six, so that always brings about examinations of a star's legacy. And finally, it's always interesting to see what path porn stars take when they move on. Chambers' path took her to Southern California, where she died in a mobile home in Santa Clarita, a long way from the bright lights of New York City where she first became a star.

We had never watched Behind the Green Door, but we remedied that a few days ago, and for those who don't already know we can tell you the movie is a sexual awakening story, with Chambers the star of a live sex show about “the ravishment of a woman who has been abducted,a woman whose initial fear and anxiety has mellowed into curious expectation.” She appears in two vignettes of escalating explicitness, as masked onlookers observe à la Eyes Wide Shut. That's the entire plot.

Chambers looks very good in this movie. We can imagine what it must have been like for cinemagoers to see a woman in this raunchy role who was fully beautiful enough to be a Hollywood star. The party lifestyle she lived began to make almost immediate physical changes, but for a moment, here in the summer of 1972, she was really a goddess. We have a nice image of her below as evidence of that assertion.


Femmes Fatales Jun 10 2018
You've heard of a purity necklace? That's not what's she's wearing.

We kind of thought the most recent promo image we found of Marilyn Chambers would be last we shared. It was so rare and beautiful that we considered it closure on the subject of Miss C. But we've found another that captures her allure, so here she is one more time. Through it, she joins the ranks of others we've posted on Pulp Intl. wearing only pearls, such and here and here. This UPI promo is dated today 1973, but it was shot during the filming of her hit porno flick Behind the Green Door in 1972.


Intl. Notebook Nov 30 2017
They all screwed people but only one of them wanted the public to watch.

We were fishing around online and found a couple of November covers of The National Police Gazette, both quite interesting, issued fifteen years apart. On top you have Gazette editors predicting a 1960 election victory for John F. Kennedy over Richard Nixon “by a nose!” They were right about that, though Nixon would become president later and his nose would grow greatly. Meanwhile Kennedy had his own fun with a piece of anatomy that got bigger, if reports are to be believed. The second cover features a very nice image of Marilyn Chambers from 1975, whose specialty was making other people's body parts swell in x-rated films. The shot comes from the same session that produced this rare image we shared back in 2011. We still have a pile of Gazettes but we've been very lazy about scanning them because of the requirement to scan each page in two parts then join them in Photoshop. It's a pain, so we tend to focus on smaller magazines whose pages we can scan in one piece. But we'll get to those Gazettes eventually. Promise.


Sex Files Oct 27 2016
American sex stars make a big splash in Japan.
As promised earlier this month, below we have more adult film posters from Japan for U.S. based productions. We're pretty proud of these because you simply won't find them anywhere else, or if so certainly not in the quality you see here. And we have at least a hundred more. 

Neon Nights, 1981, with Veronica Hart.

Fiona on Fire, 1978, with Amber Hunt.

 Sex Asylum 4, 1993, with Christy Canyon.
 Little Orphan Dusty, 1978, with Rhonda Jo Petty.

 Co-Ed Fever, 1980, with Annette Haven.

 Barbara Broadcast, 1977, with Annette Haven and Harry Reems.

Insatiable II, aka Insatiable Part 2, 1984, with Marilyn Chambers.
 Breaking It, 1984, with Traci Lords.


High School Memories, 1980, with Annette Haven.

On White Satin, 1980, with unknown poster star. We were able to visually identify all the main performers in this film and none of them seem to be the person shown here. This is not unusual for a Japanese poster. Their makers occasionally used the most photogenic person rather than the top-billed performer, but in any case we don't know who this is.
All American Girls in Heat II, 1983, with Shauna Grant.


Femmes Fatales Sep 12 2016
It takes more than 100 degree heat to make her wilt.

We swear we don't have any special affinity for Marilyn Chambers. We've never even seen one of her movies, aside from the horror flick Rabid. But we keep bringing her back because we keep running into killer promo shots of her we've never seen before. This particularly beautiful example, which we just couldn't pass up, shows her posing with a Joshua tree in the Mojave Desert of California circa 1980.

Update: some enterprising capitalist has taken this scan and placed it for sale on Ebay. We're not surprised—it's happened before with some of our other uploads, including one of Christina Lindberg. What we wonder is whether anyone actually buys them. Well, we hope any interested parties think to search around online a bit and that they find the images here before they pay for something thay can have for free.


Sex Files Oct 9 2015
Chambers offers Japanese fans a double dose of big screen sex.

This nice poster was made to advertise the Marilyn Chambers movies Behind the Green Door and The Resurrection of Eve. Chambers is before our time, but we’ve gotten into her because, well, honestly, it’s because she has great promo shots. Like this one. Or for that matter the one below. That makes her rare among early adult film stars, most of whom have few surviving promos of any quality. We’ve talked about that once or twice before. Chambers was more photographed probably because she was the most important performer of the porno chic era, that time during the early 1970s when adult films played in mainstream cinemas and it was considered cool—in New York at least—to have attended such screenings. During this brief pre-VHS, pre-internet period when porn was consumed in public cinemas with minimal shame, Chambers was a legitimate national celebrity. With the above poster we see that her popularity also extended to Japan. Behind the Green Door and The Resurrection of Eve premiered there, both separately and together, today in 1976.

Femmes Fatales Apr 12 2014
An innocent face can hide the dirtiest thoughts.

Each photo we find of American actress Marilyn Chambers seems to reveal a different facet of her. Here she is in an extremely rare, beautiful shot that shows her in scrubbed clean mode. It was this side of her that landed her that now infamous gig as the Ivory Snow girl, a corporate image she turned on its head when she became the biggest porn star in the world. It’s an amazing shot, as is the one below showing her a few years later, still beautiful, but fully into her porn career and with a more knowing light in her eyes that she contrasts against her original, innocent Ivory Snow box. Marilyn Chambers died today in 2009.


Sex Files Oct 9 2012
The woman who redefined sex.

1972’s Behind the Green Door was considered part of a porno chic movement—along with Devil in Miss Jones and Deep Throat—that brought porn into the mainstream. That mainstream now amounts to several billion dollars in profit a year, or as much as $97 billion, depending on whom you believe. But of course, profit and consumption are two different things. Most porn is consumed for free. But as to how widely viewed it really is, ask yourself this—what would you think of someone who claimed they had never seen a porno movie? The answer to that question tells you how pervasive it really is. The above poster, which features Marilyn Chambers symbolically wearing a pearl necklace arranged in a not-so-symbolic X, was produced for Behind the Green Door’s Japanese run, which began today in 1976.


Femmes Fatales Apr 22 2011
When a woman says she’s ready.

Above, a super rare promo photo of American actress Marilyn Chambers, who we’ve discussed several times previously. Chambers, who starred in the mainstream horror film Rabid but is better known as the girl from the porno films Behind the Green Door and Insatiable, was born today in 1952, and died in April 2009. 


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History Rewind
The headlines that mattered yesteryear.
July 27
2003—Hope Dies
Film legend Bob Hope dies of pneumonia two months after celebrating his 100th birthday.
July 26
1945—Churchill Given the Sack
In spite of admiring Winston Churchill as a great wartime leader, Britons elect Clement Attlee the nation's new prime minister in a sweeping victory for the Labour Party over the Conservatives.
1952—Evita Peron Dies
Eva Duarte de Peron, aka Evita, wife of the president of the Argentine Republic, dies from cancer at age 33. Evita had brought the working classes into a position of political power never witnessed before, but was hated by the nation's powerful military class. She is lain to rest in Milan, Italy in a secret grave under a nun's name, but is eventually returned to Argentina for reburial beside her husband in 1974.
July 25
1943—Mussolini Calls It Quits
Italian dictator Benito Mussolini steps down as head of the armed forces and the government. It soon becomes clear that Il Duce did not relinquish power voluntarily, but was forced to resign after former Fascist colleagues turned against him. He is later installed by Germany as leader of the Italian Social Republic in the north of the country, but is killed by partisans in 1945.
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